Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Revelations and dreams

The first day went by really fast and I actually didn't want to leave (very different from my last job) so I was again very excited for another day.  A couple of revelations today that I probably knew might happen in the back of my mind. 1) I'm not totally sold on my chosen track of Traditional Small Craft. This has a lot to do with the various projects each of the tracks will be working on this year. This year Small Craft will be finishing up the Batella (Italian Gondola) and building; a lapstrake Catspaw Dinghy, a Grandy and a 18' flat-bottom fishing boat.  Other than the fishing boat which sounds like it might be similar to a garvey from back home it doesn't sound all that exciting. Large Craft will be working on the 36' Chamberlin Motor Sailer which entails all of the planking and some interior work, finishing the 28' Hanson Forest Service boat and building two new 20'+ boats from lofting to completion. Sounds pretty exciting to me! [ Note: I've had more time to think and I'm very much looking forward to Small Craft] 2) The other revelation is that I may never become the finest woodworking craftsman to pick up a chisel and plane.  I know it is only the second day but I can see that this stuff does not come naturally to me.  I'm not discouraged or unhappy as I know that ultimately the prize is to learn how to build boats. When I attended graduation of the previous class in September I had actually thought to myself that when the instructors talked about me, I hoped they would say that although I was not the finest woodworker in the class that I would be a good (or great?) boat builder someday. I know that is an ambitious goal for the second day but it is the reason I am here.

One last thought. I mentioned to my instructor today that last night I had dreams of Japanese saws and did he think this was a good or bad omen?  He didn't seem to find it all that strange.  I think I found out today that it was really more of a nightmare than a dream.

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